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        FILE – In a Friday, Aug. 15, 2003 file photo, the Empire State Building towers over the skyline of a blackout-darkened New York City just before dawn. Power lines from Jersey City, N.J., are in foreground. Ten years after a blackout cascading from Ohio affected 50 million people, utilities and analysts say changes made in the aftermath make a similar outage unlikely today, though shifts in where and how power is generated raise new reliability concerns for the U.S. electric grid system.

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  80. I’ve just graduated atarax jarabe dosis nios ml “We saw a decline in his velocity and he was victimized by a higher home run rate this year,” Cashman said. “But if you look at his strikeouts-per-nine-innings and his walks-per-nine-innings, they’re about identical to 2010 and 2011. Next year we believe he can revert to the form he had in those seasons and should have a chance to do what we’re used to seeing him do.”

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    “We have previously analyzed data to see which sharks are hanging around shark tours with cage divers on Oahu, and one of the things we noticed was that you’d get a spike in how many tiger sharks are seen in October, which would match our predicted model that you’re having an influx of big, pregnant females coming from the northwestern Hawaiian Islands,” said Yannis Papastamatiou, a marine biologist in the division of ichthyology at the Florida Museum of Natural History on the UF campus. “There even tends to be a spike in the number of shark bites that occur during that season.”

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